The Science Behind Potty Duck
First potty training toys proven effective by scientists (Azrin & Foxx)
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends using toys for potty training
Potty Duck arrives and takes science further! AAP expert approves!
Potty Duck is built on 7 pillars of toddler brain science
Based on AAP guidelines, and endorsed by AAP's expert, Potty Duck changes potty training by allowing children to:
1. Learn through play
2. Imitate an example
3. Practice new skills
4. Learn new words
5. Relate to a buddy
6. Use multiple senses
7. Learn with a caring adult alongside
Download the Science of Potty Duck
1974 - The year potty toys were first proven effective
Meet the makers of Potty Duck
Potty Duck was created by two people who believe that children learn best through play and discovery.

Meet Dr. Shelly Mann, a board-certified
pediatrician with 20 years of experience
helping hundreds of families with potty
training boys and girls.

Linfred (Fred) Longenecker is an education
researcher, inventor, and a long-time
stay-at-home Dad and Montessori parent.
How the idea for Potty Duck was born
The idea for Potty Duck began when Fred's two-year-old daughter was playing with a squirt toy. She picked it up and squeezed it to send water shooting from its mouth. He noticed a few drops of water leaked from a second, smaller hole on the bottom of the toy. Fred made the hole a bit bigger, and that night they had a lot of fun making the squirt toy pee.
A few days later, his daughter stood up and said, “I want to go like [the squirt toy].” They hurried to the bathroom for one of her first successes!
After that first "aha!" came the science. We designed the toy to match the ways toddlers learn. Through play, imitating, practice, using words, relating to a buddy, using multiple senses, and having a caring adult alongside, Potty Duck helps children to gradually explore and master potty training.
Creating Potty Duck has been super fun. We invite you to share your story of potty training with the toy. We’d love to hear from you!