Preparation Stage in Advance of Potty Training Promoted by Leader From The American Academy of Pediatrics

August 17, 2021 - The biggest mistake parents make in potty training is doing nothing to prepare the child until the week they start toilet training, according to Dr. Barton Schmitt, an award-winning leader in pediatrics from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Parents can reduce stress and make training easier by viewing potty training as a gradual learning process, similar to learning to walk. For this reason, Dr. Schmitt recommends using Potty Duck not only for potty training, but also for a preparation stage prior to the child actually starting potty training, so the child can begin learning through play.
Dr. Schmitt recommends starting the preparation stage at age 18 months or earlier. In keeping with his recommendation, pediatrician and Potty Duck co-creator Dr. Shelly Mann recommends starting at age 15 months to allow time for children to gradually learn through play prior to the actual training.
Pediatrician Dr. Shelly Mann developed Potty Duck based on Dr. Schmitt's potty training guidelines. Hence, his endorsement is a fitting salute!